1. Initiate Project – This is the initial phase once a customer selects IFS as their provider and after the sales process. Ideally, the IFS Consultant team has been engaged earlier in the sales process so the transition will be smooth.
This is also where the initial solution documents are established and presented using the Scope Tool. The implementation team begins configuring the prototype.
2. Confirm Prototype – During this phase, a prototype of a minimum viable solution is created in the system. This is also where the foundational documents of the IFS system are refined. These documents capture the areas that are included, excluded, or postponed in the solution.
3. Establish Solution – This phase is where end-to-end scenarios are documented and begin to be reflected in the system. This is also where Customizations, Reports, Interfaces, and Modifications (CRIMs) are recorded and planned. Planning for data migration begins.
4. Implement Solution – This is where the system is set up and configured according to a customer’s requirements. This is also where CRIMs are created, tested, and deployed. Training users, permission sets, security, and users are created. Data migration begins.
5. Go Live – We’ve arrived! This phase finishes any outstanding tasks, last-minute system preparation, and final testing. Once this is complete customers typically transition from the legacy system to the new IFS system. The work isn’t done yet as post-go live support is key!