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6 Ways to Encourage User Adoption.

Updated: Feb 29

ERP systems are critical to a manufacturing company's operations. Furthermore, an ERP system is only effective in supporting operations if users are actually using the system. As a decision-maker steering the ship, your role becomes pivotal in ensuring implementation success, financial ROI, and the continued adoption and integration of the new ERP system into everyday operations.

Here are some proactive ideas to facilitate a smooth post-go-live user adoption:

**1. Establish a Robust Training Program:

  • Comprehensive and ongoing training is the cornerstone of successful system adoption. Develop targeted training modules that cater to different user roles within the organization. Whether you use ClickLearn, SOPs, or Work Instructions, utilize a mix of online resources, hands-on workshops, and personalized training sessions to accommodate diverse learning preferences. Continuously assess the effectiveness of the training program and make adjustments as needed. If your company doesn't have the internal resources to develop a training program engage outside resources.

**2. Create User-Friendly Documentation and Resources:

  • Equip your users with easy-to-understand documentation and resources. This includes user manuals, FAQs, and video tutorials that provide step-by-step guidance on common tasks and processes within the ERP system. Regularly update these materials to reflect any system enhancements or changes, ensuring users can access accurate and relevant information. A lot of companies use SharePoint, Jira, or ClickUp to develop a training home page with an FAQ, Knowledge Base, and business Unit SOPs.

**3. Establish a Responsive and Supportive Help Desk:

  • Implement a responsive and user-friendly help desk to address any queries or issues users may encounter. Foster a culture where users feel comfortable seeking assistance, and ensure that the help desk is staffed by knowledgeable personnel who can provide timely and effective support. Regularly gather feedback to identify recurring issues and proactively address them.

**4. Encourage User Feedback and Involvement:

  • Foster a sense of ownership among users by encouraging their active participation in the system evolution. Establish user feedback mechanisms, such as regular surveys or feedback sessions, to gather insights into their experiences. Use this information to identify areas for improvement, address pain points, and implement enhancements that align with user needs. Another note about keeping an eye on release notes for upcoming IFS releases. These include descriptions of upcoming functionality enhancements. Build anticipation by publishing an upgrade schedule mapped to functionality.

**5. Highlight Success Stories and Recognize Champions:

  • Showcase success stories of teams or individuals who have effectively embraced the new IFS system. Recognize and celebrate the efforts of ERP champions within the organization. This not only motivates other users but also creates a positive narrative around the IFS system, reinforcing its value in achieving organizational goals.

**6. Monitor System Utilization and Performance Metrics:

  • Implement tools and metrics to monitor system utilization and user engagement. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to user activity, system responsiveness, and overall satisfaction. Analyze these metrics to identify patterns, address any emerging issues, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the ERP system's performance. Open IFS Customer Support Tickets as needed.

In conclusion, the journey to successful ERP adoption doesn't end with the go-live moment. Your role in guiding users through the post-go-live phase is crucial. By prioritizing ongoing training, creating accessible resources, providing robust support, involving users in the feedback loop, celebrating successes, and monitoring system performance, you can pave the way for a seamless and successful ERP adoption within your organization.

Some FAQs

  • How do you measure the effectiveness of the established training program, and what specific adjustments can be made based on the assessment of its effectiveness?

The measurement of the training program's effectiveness involves ongoing assessment through methods such as user feedback, performance metrics, and proficiency evaluations. This continuous evaluation allows decision-makers to identify areas of improvement, whether in content clarity, training delivery methods, or additional support needed. Adjustments can then be tailored to address specific shortcomings and enhance the overall efficacy of the training program.

  • Could you provide examples or case studies illustrating how organizations have successfully implemented user feedback into the evolution of their ERP systems, and what specific improvements or enhancements were made as a result?

Successful incorporation of user feedback into ERP system evolution often includes mechanisms such as regular surveys and feedback sessions. By actively involving users in feedback, decision-makers get valuable insights into their experiences. Concrete examples may include instances where user suggestions led to system enhancements, improved functionalities, or streamlined processes. These real-world case studies demonstrate the tangible impact of user involvement in shaping the ERP system's evolution, fostering a more collaborative and user-centric approach to system development.

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